We're spilling to herbal tea: What you need to know about Yoga Retreats

Ever wondered if a yoga retreat is right for you? Did you watch Nine Perfect Strangers and get turned off retreats in case they're secretly cults run by Nicole Kidman in a bad wig? Are you worried that it'll be a week of woo woo? Or too intense?

Let’s chat about makes a yoga retreat different from a normal holiday. And why it might just be exactly what you need in your life. As one of our guests said "Retreats give the opportunity to stop. To just switch off: the phone, diary - the works."

It's like you are just going about your day-to-day life - getting tenser and tenser. But because it's always on a low simmer - you just acclimatise. You don't realise how much tension you're carrying. The emotional load gets heavier. But hey! You're strong! You can cope.

A retreat throws all of this into perspective. Everything melts away. You can just be you - in a beautiful nurturing space which allows you to heal and reflect.

Retreats can be powerful way to reset priorities, find calm and get clear about 'where to next'.

Here’s what makes a retreat powerful and inspiring:

  1. A Chance to Detox: Retreat life is the dream. Expect a balanced and delicious menu. And the best bit, no dishes! It's worth noting that what we take into our bodies is not just food: we digest the challenges of life, news cycles, social media and a constant barrage of information that leaves us feeling overwhelmed. On a yoga retreat, we get to 'rest' and digest from all these things, creating a subtle but powerful re-set.

  2. Find Connection: Retreats offer a chance to reconnect with yourself and to meet a tribe of like-minded new friends with whom you already have yoga in common! As one of our guests said: "I've met people from all walks of life who are joined by the common thread of wanting slow down, to embrace wellness, to make the planet a better place."

  3. Reset and Rest: Retreats offer an opportunity to turn off electronic gadgets and to let go of demands from the big wide world. Often retreats are in beautiful, secluded venues where no one can find you, not even your boss!

  4. Travel: The opportunity to sensitively tap into a new culture and explore new places with a wellness lens.

  5. Try something new : On a retreat you get to try things that there isn't time for in a general yoga class.

As a yoga teacher, it is hard to create the conditions for transformation in a one-hour session. When people step off the merry-go-round of everyday life, there is time to reflect and find clarity so that guests return home ready for new challenges.

We know that stress is stored in the tissues of the body. It is through movement, breathing practices and relaxation done daily and with intent, that people can let go of unhelpful patterns and habitual responses. These can be replaced with new supportive routines and self-care practices.

A typical day on a yoga retreat might look like this:

Wake up to a beautiful view, rice paddies in Bali, or rolling hills in the Byron hinterland; the sound of waves or the sound of birds... Then, with the shortest commute to your yoga mat, start the day with a chance to breathe, meditate and more in a way that supports your body. You're already feeling awesome.

Have a spring in your step as you enjoy a breakfast of nourishing and delicious food.

A day to explore. Maybe long walks on the beach or through the hills, a swim in the ocean, a massage, a sauna. There may be a wellness workshop on topics to inspire you to create new practices to take home. You can be as social as you want, or retreat to read a book or nanna nap. Our retreats are deliberately spacious, because life is busy and crowded.

As the sun goes down, there is more yoga on offer. This is usually restorative, chilled. Sometimes in the evening there will be guided meditations, yoga nidra and other gentle practices designed to wind you down. Expect to return home with a little toolkit of new practices to support healthy habits.

Our life can become a 'to do' list, so a really special aspect of the retreats is that we encourage our guests to do as little or as much as they like.

Join us on one of our magical retreats. We promise it'll be an amazing, transformative experience with no bad wigs or spiked smoothies in sight!

You've got everything to gain! (Clarity, peace, perspective, space and more).

Lisa Allwell